A unique private collection of original European and Oriental arms and armour with museum-quality objects – royal provenances, castle provenances, named personal objects.
The collection contains a strong section of the Viking period weapons and jewellery. The section of European arms and armour is mainly focused on the 1450–1620 period containing several armours, swords, daggers, polearms, maces, war hammers and many other historical and obscure objects. The Oriental section shows the quality and different styles of India, Japan and Ottoman empire allowing the comparison of the diverse handicraft throughout the great empires.
Over 30 years of passionate collecting and research on arms and armour has made this unique collection possible for everybody to see.
”There are several unique and rare objects, and, in a way, they belong to everybody. We are just caretakers of them for a short period of time. A collector can only add knowledge and information for the object to maintain its appreciation for the next generations, nothing else.”
”Every object is a mirror of its maker. You see the joy, humour, haste, sarcasm. Everything is visible in the masterworks of the period. The more you look, the more you learn”
“I hope you will enjoy this collection and my lifetime passion.”
Peter Mustonen co-operates with several museums and institutions: Lauri and Lasse Reitz Foundation, National Museum of Finland, Turku Museum Centre, Saaremaa Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Wallace Collection.